January 22, 2006


From Previous post:

Mr Johanson on the other end patiently tells charles to attempt to make it to the concrete garage structure towards the back of the property after the storm moves throgh. Most of his questions will be answered once he gets through the door.

Well gee thanks Johanson I suppose I would do that but theres’s this little problem of high wind gusts and random pieces of debris that may cause me some bodily harm.Why didn’t corporate mention this detail, its almost starting to sound like a working vacation. Next thing your going to tell me that you aint flyingg out my family. Johanson, hello Johanson…bullocks!

Ingredients: beef chuck cut into chunks,8 or 9 cloves of garlic (yeah I like garlic), some celery stalks,carrots ,potatoes,onions,parsnips (oh damn over budget…no parsnips),leftover green onions from yesterdays stir fry,tomatoe paste,organic beef broth,a bit of kosher salt,mesquite grill seasoning,some flour,granulated garlic,a dash o allspice.

I can believe that corporate prick hung up on me. Well it looks like its getting worse, better get back inside. Might as well start unpacking and hope this house holds out through the storm. Breep, Breep Breep..hmmm betcha corporate forgot to mention something else. Hello what the f..Miles! where are you were at the airport….

Here’s some reading material on why you may not want to die in Japan link by way of [Japundit.com]

Oh boo hoo the golden arches aint playing fair. link by way of [Alternet.org]

Need more fire power. Well just maybe this new weapon might be the answer to your prayers

Keeping It short…

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