October 24, 2005


Whilst falling down upon my bed,the wall shook causing the cd tower to tip,which in turn caused the cd pictured above to fall,which was cause enough to pick it up and listen to. Of course the title cut was done by none other than Toots & The Maytals, nice too bad they didn't have "Time Tough" from toots up on there. Also was feeling the Ken Boothe tune,"Is it because I am Black".

Slice up a few red peppers and some onions,set aside. Take 4 or 5 tablespoons of minced garlic,some extra virgin olive oil,fresh or dried rosemary and set aside. ARinse off your shoulder lamb chops in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Now you are ready.

Mix together some allspice,garlic powder, some sweet paprika,a little bit of white pepper and set aside. Rinse off your beef flat ribs. Get the ones that are bbq ready. The come prepackaged in cryovac and the tend to have more meat,uniform shape and are easier to work with as compared to the store versions which tend to be flinstone sized. Take the all spice mixture and..

Oh hey there, nah no worries mate by the time it gets here it will be a typical Noreaster,nothing to go crazy about.

Wow so Killa Cam took some bullets...oooh booo hooo. I wonder if that will translate into album sales?

This sounds like a good idea.

Thats it for today, major brain malfunction..... cya

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