October 02, 2005


This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the post.

Saturday pre Naruto/Sunday afternoon musical selection: Shy FX The next chapter, almost a two hour set of Drum & Bass, he was leaning heavily on the ragga stuff . Aint nothing wrong wit that. He was hyping up his soon to be released project with T-Power. Definitely feelin that on the run track. Also was streaming an Andy C/DJ Hype back to back set debating on the whole ad it to my collection. Wow if I had one of those new fangled portable digital music device thingees I could put it on there. Well lemme check my budget. Hmmm if I sell this info here and post that guys info over there, plus submit those photos…oh well its not in the budget this time around.

Breathe In Breathe Out..respiration remix by..damn who did that. I know they were on Rahwkus Records back when that label was the isht!

Mmmm mmmm just finished roasting off one roaster chicken,this one had two knobs or whatever u call it of garlic stuffed inside and various seasonings ,plus it was injected with some of Mr. Yoshidas Gourmet sauce (yall gotta try that) The other one has the Teriyaki sauce marinade. Well budget constrictions put a damper on the fresh broccoli so we’ll be having some prev frozen greens,plus stuffing, and mashed potatoes.

So I’ve been out of the loop when it comes to all things WWE wow they’re heading back to the USA network, Smackdown is on Fridays,and heat is only available on the web here in the United States. Well for now I can adjust my sleep schedule (no more early mornings huzzahs!) and maybe even catch some adult swim.

Keeping it short enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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