October 17, 2005


Black Boot Stompin!

Greetings all, slowly but surely getting back in to the swing of things here in the zone.

Currently streaming the latest DJ Hype Show on Kiss100fm. Kind of different this time around cz Hype aint there. He's tied up in transit from Japan, so J majik is filling in for him. Nice change up, he's getting usued to the whole radio show thing. He's not as chatty as Hype is but he's doing a good job as a fill in.

Ah yes so I was without my Ibook for a week,which was interesting. Forced me to make do without that particular piece of technology. Made me relaize how much I made use of it. From checking the various news sites,music sites,etc. Pops is outta town which meant I picked up a few more duties on the homefront,which helped distract me from the lack of access.

So I gotta a question regarding whether or not I plan on going back to the spot?.... My answer is H F No!

Oh it looks like Chef Chen Kenichi is heating up his rice cooker. Wow whats thats he's putting in? It looks like coconut milk, yes I do beleieve its coconut milk...

Gotta love that Iron Chef show on Food Network

Ah so yall missed out on a few interesting menu selections. Well here's a tease:

Chop up two onions and set aside, open up your dried black eyed peas and sort through removing any small rocks..wow sister did up some black eyed peas w smoked turkey parts for internationational night at the church. From what I understand they went through em real quick!

After marinating the steak tips over night, slice into smaller pieces and set aside. Make your flour mixture using freshly cracked black pepper,some onion powder,garlic powder,a dash of cumin ( small dash,stuff is potent,a little goes a long way) a litte bit of salt and some flour,mix well and set aside. That was the beginings of a pot of beef stew, and since it was a good sized packed of meat, i used some of em for a beef & veggy stir fry. Yesterdays Menu was just some roasted chicken thighs,roasted garlic mashed potatoes (remember folks a food mill is your friend) man nothing like the sell of roasted garlic...mmm mmm and some smothered spinach with sauteed onions, and a dash of ground ginger. My niece made chocolate chip cookies last night and damn they tasted good. All I did is remind her to pre heat the oven then I went to bed.

Well we made out well from the passing rain and wind,we had some water in the basement, and across town at my brothers spot the lost some vinylt siding but it wasn't as bad as other parts of the state,plus the govenor is considering making a declaration.

And please join me in cheering on Wilma the next major weather maker heading towards the Gulf Of Mexico.

Much thanks to Cannibal for the mention. Check the shared thoughts for my long winded reply.

And it looks like Fearless Leader has another court date tomorrow. cmon big fine, big fine!

Thats all for now,enjoy the day


Anonymous said...

you ain't lying about cumin, yo... i mixed some into some mashed potatoes a while ago and it nearly took my head off...

any word on the labor board sticking it to the formerly fearless leader?

chef mario on the iron chef america, rules, yo...

thanks for the link props...

oh...i almost forgot... i have a friend that has a young son (10ish) who really likes hip hop, but some of the language is bothering the parental folks... any hope of a hook up with some age appropriate GOOD hip hop artists... and don't you dare drop will smith on me, although he is quite jiggy...


Heartless Jim said...

haven't heard anything yet from the board. Will check wit them later this week.

I haven't had a chance to Catch Chef Mario in Kitchen Stadium, I actually like Morimoto,its the whole japanese thing. I did enjoy seeing chef Ming kick Flays ass the other day.

No problem gotta look out for the peeps

Tell ya friends parents that they can pick of the clean versions of cds at their nearest Wal Mart. There are some popular artists that would do well for a youngster but I really cant bring myself to mention them in this forum.
Noticed I said popular

Heartless Jim said...

yikes you said....jiggy!

Anonymous said...

and then i got you to say it!
bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

my evil plan to undermine the intgrity of the hip hop community is tking seed. now if i can just get someone in hollywood to glorify the life and times of a former drug dealer without an ounce of talent in a major motion picture... hmmm...

bobby flay is so smug that it's always good to see his ego shot down a little... he always cooks the same 4 dishes anyway. how many time is he going to repackage the blue corn torilla with crab meat stuffing thing? seriously, he's like the puffy / diddy / diddle daddy (you know who i'm talking about...) of the cooking world at this point.

i forgot to mention... the image of the boot... total flashback for me to ice cube - the predator. what an amzing record that was...

so anyway, i'll leave you with a little cube:

"my motto is, treat em like a prostitute."
