February 03, 2006

Friday And Then

All aboard!

From previous post:

Jeesus Johanson the blinkin door just slid up into the ceiling…and wait a second some green lights are coming on in this hallway kind of like a lighted path or something.
Miles grab your badge,walk to the next door, and place your right eye at the scanner where the arrow indicates.
Fine Johanson, where the hell is all this cloak and dagger business coming from. Acces Granted To Miles MacBride spoke the computer generated voice as the second door began to open.

What do we have here, it’s a ruddy Landrover. All that nudge nudge wink wink say no more say no more for a Landrover. I don’t believe it. Well might as well get on with it. Hold on I don’t have a key to drive this thing. Of all the rotten lock Damn! voice recognition activated driver is Miles MacBride doors unsecured,please enter vehicle.

Tossing around ideas for the Sunday menu, I see that Red Peppers will be on sale for 99 cents a pound a welcome change from 2.99. Now to work out something around those peppers. Maybe something with roasted red peppers. Hmmm haven’t had lamb chops in for a while. Gotta thinkl about that.

Destination Please Mr. MacBride Bloody Hell! There are no coordinates for Bloody Hell in our current GPS database Mr. Macbride Ok Sinjin Municipal Airport. Verifying,Sinjin Municipal Airport,please fasten you seatbelt Mr. Macbride Wow so this is what they’ve been working on in Research,but there’s got to be more, the research facilty is big enough to have its own zip code.

Going, going,…..gone?

I always wondered what they were saying on this particular news channel. It would be nice to see it on the cable systems here in the states. They do get all of the exclusives when it comes to those hosstage vido and audio tapes.

Wow this can’t really be coming from Pat N. Nah no way.

Zombie roaches? link by way of [Boing Boing.net]

Enjoy the game just don’t look out the windows during the limo ride to the stadium.

What a concept! Houses that can handle natural disasters.

And here is todays clip And here’s a bonus one.

Enjoy the weekend!

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