February 01, 2006

Mid Week Mambo-2

Was bored the other day so I decided to do some demolition work.

From previous post:

Miles just get out to that garage,insert your badge into the slot and make use of the equipment inside,we’re waiting for you. They want to close down the airport and they say that this building will not be safe to ride out the storm.
Ok Johanson so much for time away from the day job. I can’t believe this, where there hell is that garage,can barely see my a few meters in front of me with this wind and rain. Ummph! I didn’t even notice this thing on the way in, large as hell.

Ok there’s the bloody slot by the doorway,but how the hell will the door open with no power,considereing that was the first thing to go because of the storm breep breep breep… hello?
Just put your badge in the slot Miles
But the powers out in the whole blinkin area Johanson
Put your badge in the slot and step back.!
Whatever you say…inserting my badge.

Forgot mention that fresh thyme was also used in the braised turkey drumsticks dish.

Was thinking of doing a pork dish, even though I don’t eat the swine anymore I figured the rest of the fam would go for it. My brother pointed out an Asian inspired recipe for pork roast in a magazine he was reading at the hospital. Hmmm but I was thinking back to when I was much younger…whenever we would have roast pork shoulder we would also have applesauce with it. So I was thinking of maybe doing a pork loin w some type of apple chutney or maybe do some roasted cortland apple chunks, drizzled with a spicy honey glaze.

Jeesus Johanson the blinkin door just slid up into the ceiling…and wait a second some green lights are coming on in this hallway kind of like a lighted path or something.
Miles grab your badge,walk to the next door, and place your right eye at the scanner where the arrow indicates.
Fine Johanson, where the hell is all this cloak and dagger business coming from. Access Granted To Miles MacBride spoke the computer generated voice as the second door began to open.

Oh damn I guess fearless leader lucked out big time. It seems as if they are still raiding spots and making arrests in the area according to this news story from the local news station. Make sure you peep the video footage. Whats is of interest in this story is that the State Police was used not the locals.


When outsourcing makes it to the fast food business. Yeah believe it or not some chains are actually using call centers. Read this article from cnn.

I’ve heard of checkin out ya roots and ancestry but this program really digs deep under the skin. Really!

Wow I wonder if this report will make any difference?

Even when they are deaths door due to starvation they won’t eat dog food

Todays clip is from famly guy feat.stewie

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