November 02, 2005


Whoa this one sneaked up on me. So if i wanted the exclusive I would've have to check out beszt buy. Oh Damn gotta remmeber that. But now it should be available everywhere. Then I was seeking more info and I found this article.
I like the picture, plus click on the terrodome link for Chucks latest.

I know my cable company offerening local phone service thing is old news,but now they may be getting into the whole offereng content for cell phones thingee. Oh yeah and check the sidebar article about that particular phone company getting into the music/phone download bizness.

Hmm I have a new movie coming out this week and i need more attention,what can I do? Wow can't wait to here what he has to say about the boondocks.

Oh no say it isn't so making copies of cds may become harder. Oh darn! Much thanks to my brother joe for the forward. Yeah it's an interesting article. Yeah some folks may cry and bemoan the fact but there are ways around,as mentioned in the article. Plus there's always the possibility of coping the bootleg or one of those dreaded mix c's.

Speaking of those dreaded ....Fearless Leader has agreed to settle. Not sure how much he has to pay though. From what an employee was saying to me in an instant message it wasn't that much but he's still complaining. Oh well.

And to answer another one of Hectors questions, I will not throw a brick through the window.

Ok now some random links:

An exhibit on public housing?

still working

still waiting

It's a start.

Wow so getting a prize with a soft drink may promote gambling in Japan?

Wallys going green?

Ok hopefully I will have part 3 of the fiction up later on. Plus more details on the Fearless One's settlement. Enjoy the day. And hey D how was ya trip to Jamaica?

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