November 19, 2005

Weekend Wind Tunnel O Doom!

End of the week excitement! yeah right. Did the errand thing yestrerday, grabbed our Turkey day supplies. Now I don't have a clue as to what to make for dinner tomorrow. Current listening to a stream of DJ Hype over at kiss100. Started his show of with a drum & bass remix of Outta control. Not bad, heard the same track on Fabio & Groovrider show.

Take a moment to pour a lil somethin out for those who arent here. Click this link for a video tribute to WWE Superstar Eddie Guerrero who passed away this week. Link from []. Also pour a little something out for fearless leader who passed away when a crate of coffee beans...oh wait that didn't happen. ooops Oh well speaking of the, looks like they'll be coming to the Dunkin Donuts Center aka the "dunk" for the Armageddon pay per view in December. Wow its been 6 years. The last time I went to a live event was when they used to do the closed circuit thing at different spots. I think it was for a wrestlemania. This was way before cable TV if I remember correctly.


This item may show up on a few kids xmas lists

Enjoy the day....

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