June 16, 2005

Ticking Clock

Well as the pre-trial date approaches (6-28), fearless leader has started to pay more attention to his case. It took one of the other employees constant nagging for him to get in contact w the lawyer again. I guess he was just gonna show up at the pre-trial and assume that the lawyer had everything all set. Sheesh, well next week he's going to meet with the lawyer, the lawyer told him that he will have copies of the evidence that they have against fearless leader. Should make for an interesting meeting.

Also of interest is the RIAA enforcement bulletin for the month of April, they mentioned our store even though they spelled Pawtucket wrong, and also our two Mass area stores.

If you would like to see the text in regards to our store and the two Mass Area Stores from that bulletin, let me know and I'll email to ya. Much thanks to Mr. Henry for the forward.

I guess one of the positives from the raid is that now he is forced to pay attention to the rest of the store somewhat.

Fearless leader is still bemoaning the fact that they should have called him in advance. You know kind of like giving a heads up.
Hey Mr lawbreaker we are going to raid your crackhouse on this date at this time, we figure we give you a warning in advance so you can get rid of all of your illegal merchandise in advance of the raid. Have a nice day.

Here are some more quotes:

"For years and years they kind of ignored them, then all of a sudden they decided they needed to do something about it."

"No, they confiscated them"

"That Sucks"

"Thats not fair"

There's an interesting article in the NY times today worth reading in regards to a raid at a local store

"Mixtape Crackdown Sends a Mixed Message"

Thanks to Dan at Ambassador for the info

One more thing, Rhode Island Law in regards to pirated material is strict, the compromise mentioned in the above article wouldn't past muster here.


Anonymous said...

rhode island law... ya gotta love it..

or you can invest yourself in the emotional gratification that comes with firebombs.(themixed drink, obviously... i would never advocate the use of violence against the state as a means of protest. voicing your dissent in such a way would be unamerican. you can sabotage a boatload worth of tea if you want to... but not violence...)

i am curious as to how this is going to affect Volume, and those heads... any thoughts?

has Venom had any imput on the situation?

Heartless Jim said...

Not sure if they are even on the radar.