September 30, 2005

Friday Is The Day Before Saturday

Early Morning Music Selection:DJ Craze-Miami Heat, yeah Craze is a Three Times DMC champ known for his Hip Hop turntablism skills,but this CD is different its a Drum and Bass CD. Yeah a nice collection of tunes with tracks from Total Science,Zinc,Juju,Q project and others. Listened to the DJ Jazzy Jeff cd that I mentioned in yesterdays post. Damn that was funky.Featuring tracks from Ladybug Mecca with Martin Luther,Michael Bohannon,Pete Rock and others.

Ok what a way to begin the weekend. Yesterday I received a call from a fellow employee to inform me that fearless leader was having the lock changed on the front door. Wow I guess he didn't like the note that I left with the amount he owes me. Well I am now no longer an employee there..

Other news of interest Skippee the owner of the chain had his day in court yesterday and he was fined $5000.00 payable to the R I double AA in a year or else. That was based on 5 dollars per CD that was removed from one store in the mass area. Not sure whats going to happen down here as they keep on going through the whole pre trial conference thing.

Tomorrow...the weekend menu.

Enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

ummmmm am i missing something here? no longer an employee???????

Heartless Jim said...

Um yeah gone,fine,out the door. He didn't pay me for three weeks so....

Anonymous said...

it's a good thing that the boss went without paying you for so long... now he'll be able to afford that fine, right?

see, he's always thinking ahead... very very smart...


Heartless Jim said...

Well actually Cannibal the person who was fined was Skippee(sp) he's the owner of the chain but he has nothing to do with the Rhode Island store. Fearless Leader former boss still hasn't been fined yet.

Heartless Jim said...

True Indeed Myth,true indeed